First of all, I have a love for education. Although the system is not perfect, there is so much room for us to create a space for students to take risks and own their learning.
Most people know that I am a big fan of Disney. I think it started when I was just a little kid and my family showed me through Disney magic that it was ok to dream and be imaginative. As I got older, I continued to find value in vacationing in one of the most magical places. More importantly, I have used best practices from the Disney leadership and customer service in my classroom and leadership positions.
I have been an advocate for learning styles and teaching innovations even before the term personalized learning entered the education world. I have lead several professional development sessions for my colleagues: ” “Intro to Microsoft 365,” “Differentiation using Technology to fit Learning Styles,” and “Using OneNote in the Classroom.” This includes being a learning architect to support standard-based grading.
I have presented “A Sure Bet to Win in the Classroom” at a county school summit about personalized learning and writing strategies. I have served on a professional learning team for a local school and often helped my colleagues with technology tutorials. Per request, I designed a GA DOE Webinar for AP Teachers in the state of Georgia, “Differentiation: Preparing the Ill-Prepared or Nontraditional AP Student.”
As I have grown in leadership, I have had the pleasure of coaching and supporting teachers as the head of an English department. I have worked closely with my Alma mater, Georgia State University, with new teacher training. I have taken great pleasure in inspiring and motivating the next generation of teachers so much that I had student teachers be a part of my classroom during the school year.
I am passionate about helping teachers, so we can motivate our students. I am now a program specialist for a large school district and have the pleasure of working and supporting principals, teachers, parents, students, and community members. My experiences and observations have led me to create 2 workshops for teachers: The Happy Teacher Conference and Grumpy Teacher Workshop.
I really look forward to the next collaboration with you and teachers around the world. Please join our inspirational community.