We are in that time of year when Winter seems long and Spring Break cannot get here soon enough. I was sitting in a meeting where a principal was asking about what would make good gifts to lift-up the teachers’ spirits. Often, our schools don’t have a lot of money to spend on teacher culture and well-being, so I categorized really the 3 things that most educators appreciate:
If there is one thing that teachers don’t have enough of, it is time. Every second of a school day is typically spent teaching, tending to student needs, and putting out fires. Rarely does an educator or even a school leader get a minute to play catch up, take a breather, go to the bathroom, or just organize their workspace.
Now, we know that we can’t change the hours in a day, nor do we want teachers spending a lot of time after school, but we can probably find some time savers or thoughtful ways to give the gift of time.
- Parent and Community Volunteers can come in to do small tasks for teachers like make copies, organize, decorate boards, or grade papers.
- Pay for a sub so that a teacher can take a professional day
- Administrators relieve teachers during recess time
- Provide unique organizer hacks
This is an interesting one. How do we provide comfort especially when this might mean something different for people? I always try to think about the little things. What are little things that when totaled up add value to a teacher’s day? This might just mean being comfortable during the workday or providing some easy access to self-care.
- Jeans Day
- Sneaker Day
- Before or After School Yoga Classes
- New Color Pens
- Pillow for Desk Chair or a Lamp to Reduce Fluorescent Lighting
- Cleaning Their Classroom or Providing Maintenance or Tune up to Technological Devices
- Nice Hand Soap in the Faculty Bathrooms
- Updated Teacher’s Lounge
This is a big one and probably the simplest. People like comfort food and sometimes getting a surprise treat can add a little joy to someone’s day. I love to see the creative ideas on Pinterest that always add a little pun to a word or phrase of thanks. Sometimes, I will just bring a favorite soda or snack to one of my colleagues because I know it will brighter their day or make them feel special.
One time, as the department chair, I noticed that my entire department was really struggling with staying positive. It was that time of year when everyone is tired. There had been some new procedures or tasks added to everyone’s plate, so morale was getting low. I called up the local pizza joint and asked if they could give me their best deal for some teachers. The restaurant was happy to accommodate, so I placed an order using my own money to deliver them around lunch time. Not only was everyone surprised and excited to eat pizza for lunch, but it gave us a chance to eat together and just be social.
At this time of year, the days can seem long for both educators and students. Help your school leaders with ideas of what it is that can help you get through until the next break. Find the joy in your job because kids are counting on you.
See You Real Soon,
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