To my wonderful inspirational community, I have just completed my 100th blog post! This is a sweet achievement for me, and I must admit that I am proud of myself. I started this blog a few years ago as a way to create teacher support with inspiration by expressing my thoughts and observations on various topics that interest me or seem to interest our educational community. Since then, I have learned a lot, grown as a writer and a person, and connected with many wonderful people around the world.
Hitting a Milestone
Since I knew that I would be writing my 100th blog this summer, the universe has put the number 100 in front of me a lot. It’s as if I am to be reminded that hitting a 100th milestone is a significant achievement that deserves recognition and celebration. Whether it is a 100th blog post, a 100th day of school, a 100th project, or any other 100th goal, it shows that you have been consistent, persistent, and dedicated to your work.
Look for Inspiration
As you know, Disney is a part of my life. So it is no surprise for me to mention that as of right now the Disney World Company is celebrating their 100th anniversary. Their milestone is being celebrated in numerous ways in hopes to continue to “inspire the next century of storytellers”. One of which is by holding re-releases of films to the big screen over the next few months. I recently went to see Toy Story with my nephew, and it was wonderful to watch this story again at the theater.
The promotional marketing pieces for the 100th, at the movie theaters, has a poster that says, “Special Engagements”. I love that phrase. Albeit a strategic focus area or commercial soundbyte, it connotes that the experience by them will not only be engaging but is special, perhaps unique, and personal.
Creating Special Engagements
Isn’t that our daily life as educators and leaders? We find ways to create a school or classroom environment that feels special to the community. Our goal is to find two-way engagement throughout the day to make connections and learn. So whether we do something for the first time or the 100th time, my thought is that the intent is what should be focused on and celebrated.
Hitting a 100th milestone is not easy. It takes dedication, perseverance, and passion. It also takes a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and why. For me, writing this blog is more than just a hobby. It is a way to share my knowledge, inspire others, and challenge myself. It is also a way to document my journey and reflect on my progress in the wonderful world of the education profession.
Tips for Hitting a Milestone
So how did I do it? How did we reach a milestone? Well, there is no magic formula or secret recipe. But I can share with you some of the strategies that helped me along the way:
Set realistic and specific goals
For instance, instead of me saying “I want to write more”, I say “I want to write one blog post every week”. This helped you stay focused and motivated.
Plan ahead
Before you start with your goal or concept, brainstorm some ideas. You can use tools like mind maps, lists, or outlines to organize your thoughts. You can also do some research and find relevant sources of information.
Create a schedule
Decide when and where you will work on your idea. Choose a time and place that works best for you and stick to it.
Don’t wait to be perfect before you start
Don’t worry about being perfect from the start. Just start somewhere and let your creativity flow. You can always revise and polish later. I find that accepting that I will have a learning curve allows me to be willing to take risks and learn from mistakes or missteps.
Seek feedback
Ask someone you trust to give you honest and constructive criticism. You can also join online communities or build a trusted tribe where there is a trusted platform to exchange opinions and tips.
Celebrate your achievements
Every time you finish a step, please take time to at least give yourself a pat on the back. Recognize your efforts and reward yourself with something you enjoy.
I hope this blog post has inspired you to pursue your own goals and dreams, whatever they may be. Remember that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and work hard for it. You have the potential to achieve great things and inspirational stories to tell.
Thank you for continuing to read my blog and supporting me throughout this journey. I appreciate every comment, like, share, and follow that I receive from you. You are the reason why I keep writing.
Here’s to the next 100 posts!
See You Real Soon,